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Thương hiệu OEM
Mô tả Freescale i.MX 6SoloX, 1GB RAM, Wi-Fi/Bluetooth, Motion Sensors
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6 Sản phẩm tương tự

Mô tả sản phẩm


The single board computer born for wireless mobile IoT applications.
UDOO NEO EXTENDED is the perfect solution for wireless mobile IoT applications.

You can use it as a Headless Device, exploiting the USB ports and the Wireless Connectivity - a powerful Wi-Fi b/g/n and the newest Bluetooth 4.0. You can also use it as a computer, thanks to its 1GB of RAM. The board is compatible with most Arduino shields, sensors and actuators. UDOO NEO EXTENDED is also compatible with UDOO Bricks: programmable modules, like the temperature sensor and the barometric sensor, that you can add to make UDOO NEO EXTENDED even more versatile.

UDOO NEO EXTENDED can be powered in three ways. You can use:

- A standard 12 volts power supply, we recommend this one;

- A Micro USB cable like the one we have in our USB Kit;

- Any USB battery pack available on the market.

Full Specs

  • Freescale™ i.MX 6SoloX applications processor with an embedded ARM Cortex-A9 core and a Cortex-M4 Core
  • Integrated 2d/3d graphics controller
  • RAM 1GB
  • Micro HDMI interface - LVDS interface + touch (I2C signals)
  • Analog camera connection supporting NTSC and PAL - 8-bit parallel camera interface
  • MicroSD card slot onboard - 8-bit SDIO interface
  • HDMI audio transmitter - S/PIDF & I2S
  • 1x USB 2.0 Type A ports - 1x USB OTG (micro-AB connector)
  • Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n,Direct Mode SmartConfig and Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy
  • 3x UART ports - 2x CAN Bus interfaces
  • 8x PWM signals - 3x I2C interface - 1x SPI interface - 6x multiplexable signals
  • Power Supply: 5 V DC Micro USB, 6-15 V DC Power Jack, RTC Battery Connector
  • Green Power Status LED - User Configurable LEDs (Red and Orange)
  • Integrated Sensors: 3-Axis Accelerometer - 3-Axis Magnetometer - 3-Axis Digital Gyroscope - 1x Sensor Snap-In I2C connector
  • Dimensions: 89mm x59mm (3.50″ x 2.32″)
  • Arduino-Compatible through the standard Arduino Pins layout and compatible with Arduino shields
  • 32 extended GPIOs (A9 dedicated) - 22 arduino GPIOs (M4 dedicated)
  • 6 available Pins
  • Android Lollipop & Linux UDOObuntu2 (14.04 LTS)

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